I cannot take any credit for the images in this blog post.

All the credit goes to my talented friend, Caitlin Trantham {Oh Penelope Photography}! She is a Marine wife, mother of two and a photographer in Saint Louis, Mo.

When words are not enough… Images speak what cannot be spoken…

With Caitlin’s permission,
I share these images with you…

These beyond-amazing images honor the heroes of our great nation…
the ones who fight for our freedoms,
the ones willing to lay down their life so we can live.

{btw, you might want to grab a tissue… or the whole box… these images are powerful!}

Thank you to all who have served,
who are serving,
who supported their spouse while serving,
who supported their children while serving,
or who are planning to serve.

What you do matters…
…and it doesn’t go unnoticed!

♥ Thank you! ♥

So as we go about our weekend
gathering with family and friends,
having BBQ’s
and enjoying other festivities…
Let’s not forget the ones fighting,
both at home and abroad,
to protect our freedoms to do so.

Please go view Caitlin’s entire blog post:

And Then go find someone who has or is serving in our military and thank them!

14 thoughts on “A Memorial Day Tribute…

  1. Amazing! I had seen these when they were originally posted and they just took my breath away. Unless we live it, I don’t think we quite understand the sacrifices made by military families. So, so very thankful!

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