God is SO good!

What do you get when you take a lovely young lady,

a stunning copper-brown gown

and a crazy-beautiful field of red clover…

I’ll tell you…

You get a super-fun, amazingly stunning senior session!

But before it sounds like I’m tooting my own horn… let me tell you a bit about what transpired before this session started…

Right before the session my Mom called to let me know my Dad’s melanoma was back {for the third time}. However, this time it was a different type… that still confuses me.

Needless to say my mind was not as focused as it is normally.

In fact, I was on auto pilot.

Thankfully I had rehearsed in my mind the types of images I wanted to capture ahead of time.

Praying for every session is critical:

…for my clients,

…for wisdom and guidance,

…that what I create would be a blessing,

…and that God would be honored in all I say and do.

But this session…

Oy vey…

I prayed I would just remember my settings!

Things that normally come naturally to me required all my focus…

I started to get overwhelmed and Mikela wasn’t even there yet.

Quickly I emailed several of my photographer friends to ask them to pray for the session, too.

I knew my brain wouldn’t be working at its normal capacity.

And it totally wasn’t.

But God is SO good.

Just look what He allowed me to be a part of creating!

Dispite all that was going on in my heart and mind, photographing Mikela was a delight. She is so sweet and intelligent. We had so much fun chatting as we posed and set up different shots.

She really wanted some dark, dramatic clouds and thankfully God even arranged the perfect ones for us to capture.

I love that God even cares about the little details.

The time with Mikela was such a blessing…

A break from what was going on with my Dad,

time with an amazing young lady

and much needed laughter and smiles!

She probably doesn’t realize how much she blessed me during that session.

She completely stunning {inside and out} and is such a genuine and fun young lady.

I know God planned the timing of my Mom’s call and the session.

He knew I would need to shoot and that Mikela would be the perfect subject.

Now, what I wasn’t prepared for was the overwhelming response to her images.

I am so deeply humbled by everyone’s kind words.

Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments on my Facebook page.

It means more to me than you will ever know!

When people tell me I’m amazing… I often reply,

“I’m not amazing, God is amazing… I’m just available.”

{For those of you who were wondering, yes, the Silent Words post


was promted by the news about my Dad.

But I have a happy update:

my Dad had his surgery and his margins were clear… praise God!

We get to keep him around for a while longer!

Insert BIG happy dance and a really BIG smile!}

And a HUGE thanks to my new farmer friend who graciously allowed me to shoot in his amazing field.

24 thoughts on “Mikela — HS Senior Portraiture

  1. Thank you for this post. It is a wonderful reminder to not forget to pray and to pray for the things that you asked for – guidance, wisdom. We may think we know what is best, but we don’t. I’m happy to hear that your dad is good. The images, well, they are just stunning. The last ones in the green dress – oh my! Stunning.

  2. Such an inspiring post! So thankful to hear that your Dad is doing better…and so encouraging to see how amazing the photo shoot went, despite your circumstances. The pictures turned out absolutely beautiful.

  3. Beautiful work! I love you and am praying all God’s best in every aspect of your life.

  4. Love you you bring the glory to God in your business Stacee. You do fabulous work and I am glad to have “met” you. 🙂

  5. Beautiful post Stacee. I saw these images on facebook and loved them, and now knowing the story behind them, I love them even more. They are gorgeous and I can feel the heart and soul in them. I’m sorry to hear that your father’s cancer is back, but so happy to hear that his test results were well.
    I will pray for your father’s health, your family’s well being and faith, and that you will experience shoots that turn out this brilliant over and over again.

    PS – where is this field? I’d love to see it in person!

    1. Thank you, Macey! Your prayers are very appreciated, as are your kind words!! The flowers are in a private field that I had permission to shoot in, but there are tons of fields like this along HWY 26 heading west. Some are on hills and slopes that could be amazing to shoot in/on/around. A few even were lower than the highway so that you could shoot down on them. 🙂

  6. “I’m just available.” <-- LOVE THAT! 😀 He is so faithful! 🙂 These images are absolutely stunning, Stacee! Seriously! The colors, the poses... it's all just so completely gorgeous! 🙂

  7. Stacee, As you know I fell in love with these images already. This post is equally as beautiful. So thankful your dad is ok. Praying for sessions and clients is such a gift! Hugs and much love!

  8. LOVE this session, especially the green dress. Lots of glamour!
    I see professional couture modeling in her future.

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